


Endocrine Pharmaceuticals has developed its own unique intellectual property portfolio (based on patents approved and pending in many countries, proprietary copyright material and experimental data) relating to micrin and its potential use as a treatment for tissue overgrowth disorders, including cancer.


 In 2004 the company declared its first-ever micrin drug candidate, EPL001, and determined its (novel) molecular mechanism of action. Biological characterisation followed, using model systems (e.g. J.L. Haylor et al, Regulatory Peptides, 152, 48-53, 2009).


The company is seeking to pursue collaborative exploitation projects with pharmaceutical and biotech partners, as part of an outlicensing and commercialisation strategy, involving its drug candidates. Diagnostic and other commercial opportunities are also being pursued. The Endocrine vision is to bring about an advance in the treatment, diagnosis and understanding of conditions characterised by tissue overgrowth, from endometriosis to benign pituitary tumours.

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